314 Me In
August 2023 Newsletter
A guide to what’s happening around Pack 314
Scouts, Scouters, parents, lend me your eyes;
I come to share information, not to bury it!
Welcome to the first edition of the Pack 314 newsletter! Each month after our Committee Meeting, I will highlight new information and happenings around Pack 314, the North Star District and Scouting in general.
As of now I have added you based on your email listed in Scoutbook. If you’d like to receive this at a different address, suggest content or have any other feedback, please let me know. Like all things we do, we want to make sure it works for the pack.
Quick Links
Around The Pack
Most importantly, we’d like to welcome our two newest Scouts to the Pack. Early this summer Joey Cottone (Den 1) and Fletcher Hales (Den 4) joined us and both have been active over the summer. Welcome to the Cottone and Hales families!
On August 27th we are hosting our “Scout Me In” recruiting event at St. Raphael’s after both the 8:30 and 10:30 Masses. We’re going with a whole S’mores theme for this event with several activities for the kids. I would like to encourage everyone to come out for this event. If your kids enjoy the Pack, this is their chance to share it with their friends!
Do you have a talent or interest you can share with our Pack? This year we are highlighting our parents’ contributions at our Pack meetings. We have our Pack schedule in Scoutbook and each Pack meeting has a theme based on the points of the Scout Law. If you would like to help out with an individual meeting, please use the SignUp Genius page.
The Cub Scout program allows our children to grow into their very best selves. The benefit to us as parents is that we get to spend time with our children at a time when they still think we’re cool. It takes a village to run this program and we always want to improve it. If you have the talent or knowledge, we want to encourage you to share it. As an added benefit for some, that doesn’t always require a tan shirt! While there is a lot that goes into running a Cub Scout Pack, many hands make light work. If you can spare an hour a week to improve the program, please use the SignUp Genius page.
Speaking of volunteer opportunities, our longest-tenured volunteer will be leaving us as of January. Our Cubmaster, Theresa Panaccione, will be retiring to her front porch as Vincent and Joseph bridge to Scouts BSA. Come January, your friendly neighborhood Committee Chair will be taking over the Cubmaster role. On a personal note, I’ve got big shoes to fill. But that also leaves a gap in our Key 3 positions. The role is posted on the SignUp Genius page and if you have an interest, please drop you name on there. If you have questions about the role and what all it entails, please reach out. If possible, I’d like to work with our next Committee Chair long before January and give them the tools necessary to succeed.
Around Scouting
Good news everyone! Effective September 1st, individual Cub Scout Packs can now camp for two consecutive nights! Early last Spring National made clear that in the Guide to Safe Scouting it stated that “Cub Scout pack unit coordinated camping is limited to single overnight experiences” and it was now going to be enforced. A number of individuals at the District, Council and National level pointed out that the biggest draw for Cub Scouts was camping and that a single night would hamstring the individual packs moving forward. Indeed, when we camp as a pack we reserve two nights (Friday and Saturday). Under those rules we would essentially be losing the $100+ for a night we couldn’t use. But, now we can go back to our regularly scheduled program! Our first campout of the year, coming up on October 13th, will feature our usual two nights of programming starting Friday night and concluding Sunday morning. Aaron on Scouting has more details on the policy change.
One of the requirements for Pack camping is having two BALOO (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation) trained leaders on-site for the duration of a campout. We need more! This training is conducted by our North Star District and is very well done. It consists of a single night of camping and a full Saturday of programming. The next BALOO session is coming up on September 22nd. If you’re interested, please let me know. The signup on the District web site will be available this next week.
Cubmaster’s Minute
Once upon a time there was a wise man that used to go to the ocean to do his writing.
One day he was walking along the shore. As he looked down the beach, he saw a human figure moving like a dancer. He smiled to himself to think of someone who would dance to the day. So he began to walk faster to catch up.
As he got closer, he saw that it was a young man and the young man wasn’t dancing, but instead he was reaching down to the shore, picking up something and very gently throwing it into the ocean.
As he got closer, he called out, “Good morning! What are you doing?” The young man paused, looked up and replied, “Throwing starfish in the ocean.”
“I guess I should have asked, why are you throwing starfish in the ocean?” “The sun is up and the tide is going out. And if I don’t throw them in they’ll die.”
“But, young man, don’t you realize that there are miles and miles of beach and starfish all along it. You can’t possibly make a difference!”
The young man listened politely. Then bent down picked another starfish and threw it into the sea, past the breaking waves and said, “It made a difference for that one.”
In closing, there is something very special in each and every one of us and we must each find our own starfish. We have all been gifted with the ability to make a difference and if we throw our stars wisely and well — the world will be blessed!
Yours in scouting,
Upcoming events for Pack 314 :
Aug 10 - Occoneechee Council Virtual Roundtable 7pm @ https://ocscouts-org.zoom.us/j/84969064268?pwd=aWZxRm1ueXorSmVNU2NVUmdzaGs3dz09
Aug 11 - Scout Night at the Carolina Mudcats Game 7pm @ Five County Stadium 1501 Nc 39 Hwy, Zebulon, NC 27597
Aug 19 - AOL Den Meeting 9am @ Horseshoe Farm
Aug 27 - Scout Me In! 9am @ St Raphael's Plaza
Sep 02 - Trail Cleanup 10am
Sep 06 - September Committee Meeting 8pm
Sep 07 - District Roundtable 7pm
Sep 09 - AOL den Meeting 9am @ Horseshoe Farm
Sep 10 - Pack Meeting 3pm
Sep 16-17 - AOL Den Campout 9am @ Falls Lake
Sep 24 - Bobcat Academy 3pm