Bear Bridging

Pack 314 - Bear Graduation/Bridging Ceremony


Webelos neckerchief

Webelos hat

Webelos handbook


Just as new settlers followed the Oregon Trail that was blazed by others who went before them, Cub Scouts follow the Scouting Trail that others before them have traveled.

Our Bears have learned the ways of our Pack and earned the Bobcat badge.  As Tigers they learned about being part of a group, the Pack and their Den.  As Wolfs and Bears, they learned much in the areas of God, Country, Family and Self.  But these Scouts are growing....they are ready for more grownup activities, more responsibility, and more independence.


These Cub Scouts are now ready to become Webelos.  During this portion of the Scouting Trail, the emphasis will shift from doing many things with adult assistance to doing many things independently.  This will help prepare them for the next leg of the Scouting Trail - Boy Scouts.


These scouts are now some of the older boys in our pack.  They have the responsibility of setting the example of what a good scout is - Being dutiful to God and their country, helping other people, and obeying rules.  Above all, they must continually strive to "do their best".


DEN LEADER: (speaking to boys)

You will be covering a trail that is new to you, and you will learn new skills that will help prepare you to become Boy Scouts.  As Webelos, you will spend almost two full years of trail work toward earning your Webelos badge and the coveted "Arrow of Light".


We have enjoyed helping you learn and grow, and we look forward to helping you continue on the Scouting Trail.  As your leaders, we have but one request of each of you.  We ask that you continue to make us as proud as you have these last two years.  For the last time as Bears, let's recite the Cub Scout Promise together:

“I promise to do my best,

To do my duty to God and my country,

To help other people, and

To obey the Law of the Pack.”


As each name is called, please cross the bridge to signify your bridging from Bear Scout to Webelos Scout.

(names are called, boys cross bridge, shed their Bear “colors”, and are presented with the Webelos “colors” by their parent)
